Maira--My podcast was an interview with my sister and at the beginning it was kind of difficult because I didn't really know what to talk to her about, but then I thought a little more and realized I've known her for all her life. So this is just a sum up of a few memories and just simple silly things from her childhood.
Samantha--My grandpa used to be a police officer in New York city and he's had quite the wild ride. Throughout my whole lifetime I have had countless amounts of stories told to me about the crazy adventures my grandfather has been through in order to keep his city a safe place. I was hoping he would tell this story because it goes to show how willing one person can be to give up their life in order to save others. My grandfather is the bravest most selfless person I have ever come across.
Emily--I interviewed my mom about my grandpa Fletcher who passed away earlier this year. He was a great guy. When he was younger he used to love to work on cars and my mom said that he always had the best cars. He also grew up in a large family of 7 kids he was the oldest. His dad served in the Korean war. And overall my grandpa was a great guy.
Jonathon--I interviewed my grandpa who was drafted into the military.My grandparents dog was snoring in the background and I am sorry about that. He was in the military for about 4 years. The first place he was supposed to go to after being drafted was a chemical plant in which he could not find.
Hailey--My Interview was with my grandma and I asked her questions about her divorce and how her kids got through it. Also I asked her questions how it was raising twins and what silly things they did.I tried to show mothers love for their kids and show the hard and good times.
Cody--I interviewed my grandfather because he's the most interesting person I could find, he was born in Sculthorpe AFB England in 1959, as a baby, he moved to Parma Ohio with his mom and graduate school from Valley Forge high school in 1977 then became the deadliest weapon on the battlefield “ a Marine.” Here is a little more about his time in the Corps hope you enjoy.
Elysia--I interviewed my dad (Jose Medina) because he has a very interesting life if you really think about it he grew up very poor with not many things we have now. He went to different states for different farms. His main language was Spanish and had to learn English he said it was really hard but didn't really in depth with it cause I had to cut that out. He talks about his life and I compare it to mine off recording because it so fascinating how different it was just 20-30 years ago. My dad is very old fashioned sometimes I can't stand it but he grows on me sometimes and when i don't get my way he always says “ i didn't get to do that when was your age.” or “ i didn't have that growing up” he always talks about they different types of people at the farms and how many different stories there were to be told.
My dad is literally the most stubborn person you'll meet. He comes off very open in the podcast but it took a few recordings to get him to open up. I've always had an interest in my dad's life but really never have the time to ask him questions about his life. I don't think I'll ever delete this recording off my phone that way can listen to it all the time. Or if in the future i will always have this memory of my dad.
My dad is literally the most stubborn person you'll meet. He comes off very open in the podcast but it took a few recordings to get him to open up. I've always had an interest in my dad's life but really never have the time to ask him questions about his life. I don't think I'll ever delete this recording off my phone that way can listen to it all the time. Or if in the future i will always have this memory of my dad.
Adrian--I interviewed my grandpa about his time in the Navy and some of his experiences, I thought his story was a good choice to do because not many people become a Navy Seal, and it also gave me some insight on how the Navy is because i do plan on joining the Navy when I graduate.
Rachel--This podcast is about my mom, Melinda Logan. She has been working as a nurse for over 15 years. She is very passionate about her job and has learned a lot of things throughout her years of working. She is a pediatric nurse and works with kids 18 and under.
Alic--I interviewed my grandparents. The interview is about their relationship.
Alexis--My papa worked for the airlines and it caused he and his family to have to move a lot. As soon as he and my nana got married, they moved to New York. From there, they moved to four other states and 22 different cities, as my papa would say. They have lived in Michigan the longest and they both agree it is their favorite. Without question, they said New York was the worst, people of the “idiots”. My papa’s words.
Jacob--In this podcast I’m interviewing Jeanne Rooke, my grandma, on motherhood. I choose this topic because I love hearing her stories about being a mother in the 70s and the struggles she would go through on a daily basis. I thought it would be a nice and simple topic that could be enjoyed by everyone.
Trent--The podcast is an interview between me and my mother Diane Viebahn. In may of 2010, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. It’s a Central Nervous System Disorder which causes nerves to become overactive, thus resulting in pain. The diagnosis has caused my mother to resign from her job and change her style of life completely. Now, she’s currently working and getting her life back together.

Shaddai--I interviewed Paul Crandall, the head librarian at the town library, about what it is like living and working in a small town. I also asked him if he had any advice for high school students about life after high school.

Ori--My parents have been married for 20 years last year. I know you can only spend so much time with one person until they start getting on your nerves. So I decided to interview my mom and ask her questions about her marriage with my dad and find out details about their relationship, and advice on my own relationships and people my age relationships as well. I learned so much more about my parent’s relationship than I ever thought I would. I even feel like I got to know them both on a personal level rather than a parental level.
David --I interviewed my dad, Time Collins, about the story behind how he got his Purple Heart. He tells the story and explains some things for those who don’t know these things.
Hannah B.

Isabelle---I decided to interview my dad because I thought it’d be very interesting to learn about his experience during his recruit in the Marines and what he did in war and bootcamp because I’ve never actually asked about it and thought it’d be something cool to interview!

Kael--For this assignment I interviewed my mother. During this interview I asked a series of questions about her childhood and some of her favorite memories. Also it’s about where she wants to live and somethings on her bucket list.

Patrick---This interview is with my mother, Robin Cox, and is focused on her first trip to Europe and some of her favorite memories from this trip including how she met my dad Richard Cox.
Tyler---Interviewing Tylee Gipson. Just a few questions about her life. Like what were some earliest memories of your life etc.
Courtney's interview & slidehow---In my podcast, I wanted to tell the story of how my grandma and grandpa met. So I decided to interview my grandma, And show that even if my grandpa was away at war, my grandma always waited for him. And I wanted to tell my favorite story of how during the war they wrote to each other, and when my grandpa returned from war my grandma was super excited. But the minute my grandpa returned home, my grandpa did something that was comedic.
Adam--For my podcast, I interviewed Ms. Hatch. My podcast is about her history and views on the piano.
Caleb--For my podcast I decided to interview Jakkpat (Punn) Nuklin. Punn is a foreign exchange student from Bangkok, Thailand. We mostly talked about his transition from Bangkok to Stockbridge.
Zowie--In my podcast I am interviewing my Aunt. I wanted to interview her about her work life that she has had in the past, and what it all has taught her. I also wanted to know how it was like on a daily basis at those jobs, and what she had to do. I also asked if she has a favorite story or favorite stories to tell. The last thing is if she liked working there, and would she go back to the job she loved the most.
Morgan--I interviewed my mom about how her and dad met and what happened after that, I felt she knew a lot of things about what happened back then. After I interviewed her I amplified the sound for people to hear our voices, it was fun to do with her because i found out a lot of info when I asked her the questions about what happened.
Alivia--I wanted to interview him because, one, he volunteered, and two, he actually has an interesting background. He is a professional tattoo artist, he has traveled all over, and is probably one of the smartest people i’ve ever met. The interview is centered mostly on his line of work.

Zach---In this interview I am interviewing my grandmother Claire Sawicki. I am interviewing her about her early life and current life. In more detail this interview is about when she grew up in Detroit and her life and job now. I am concluding this interview with a discussion about the happiest moment of her life, since I feel this would be a good way to finish the interview.

Kaylie ---I interviewed my dad, Jeff Shepard, who is an owner of 3 adult foster care homes. Being a business owner, you learn so many life skills. I feel it is important for students our age to know what it is like to be responsible for a business. In this podcast, he speaks about the highs and the lows of being the boss and how it has altered his life and those around him.

Hannah---In the interview I chose my mom. Her and I are not as close as say My dad and I. So I thought since we are sophomores and some of us are looking for future jobs and I thought by interviewing her about her work it could really help people understand what she does. Also if this is something that my peers wanna do as a job and think the description is right for them. I did this as well because I really never knew what my mom had to do on a daily basis. And I found it to be interesting.
Paige's interview & photos---I interviewed my mom (Tracey Wooden) and my dad (Dan Wooden). This podcast is about me and parts of my childhood. It also has questions about recent stuff to. I wanted to interview them because it gave me a chance to ask questions that are not really in regular conversations and I was able to get honest answers and not sarcastic ones.

Tylin--At first I chose to interview my brother with Williams syndrome because I’ve learned so much off of him. Like even if you have a disability you can enjoy life and not let it phase you. Like my brother is 26 years old and loves to dance and sing and loves music. He loves Michael Jackson, Prince, 2pac, etc…. But since I couldn’t I chose to interview and close friend on what he learned off his step brother that had Down’s Syndrome. Hoping that people that make fun of people with disabilities realize that they’re still human. They still eat, sleep, and bleed just like the rest of us do.
Ashley's interview & photo--In this podcast I interviewed My mom Debbie Blanzy. I want people to see how hard it actually is to be a parent because parents don't have it easy when they have to keep up with bills and feel their children while also taking care of themselves.

Hannah--I interviewed my great grandmother about her time in school. She told me things about her time in school that are illegal now. It was quite shocking to hear her story because you hear about these things but you never think that that it could happen to someone so close to you. After she was done I realized, even though I don't like it I should appreciate my time in school.
George--In my podcast I interviewed my grandpa about his childhood and about starting our family business.
Andrew's podcast and slideshow-- In my podcast I interviewed my cousin, Samantha. She’s a pediatric nurse in a Las Vegas hospital [that she’s preferred to keep anonymous]. She was on the trauma team during the Las Vegas shooting that happened in October of 2017. She describes what the scene was like and what she felt during those intense moments.
Michael--I interview Robert Ellis. I talked to him about some interesting and funny things in his life.

Christopher--I interviewed Mrs. Hannah Reyes. I talked to her about so many things. I asked about the good and bad in her life. As she talked about the bad in her life she made me realize that bad events in our life can turn to better endings. As I interviewed her she inspired me, and I hope that my audience takes what I experienced for this interview.

Brandon N. ---I interviewed our foreign exchange student Pun. I asked him about his life in general on what it’s like to be an exchange student.
Bradley--I interviewed my cousin Chance because he is a transgender boy. I figured they would be a good person to interview because they have gone thru a lot and have an interesting story. It is around 2 minutes and 50 seconds long, I hope you enjoy.
Brandon P.'s interview and Slideshow--Quick site into the not so mystic adventure of my monster hunter group for DnD. See how our heroes are, how they feel, and what holds them anxious for their next gathering for another game of DnD
Nina--The podcast is about my dad’s job and how is it like.
Cassandra's interview & photo collage--I am interviewing my father, who became a dad at a very young age. My dad was 14 years old when I was born. A freshman in high school with a child could be hard on absolutely anybody, and my dad not only finished high school but finished with honors and a 3 year old baby. My dad is the most influential person in my life, and has impacting every belief I have. My podcast is about how he overcame the obstacle and became an amazing father, despite the stereotypes inflicted on him. He explains how fast he had to grow up and how he had to start jobs and making money to support a family, which is unusual for a freshman.

Caitlin-- The person that I am interviewing is my cousin Sam. She has grown up with a different life than most people have. She has shown livestock for as long as anyone can remember. Between preparing for her national, jackpot, and fair shows she doesn’t have a summer. She doesn’t have time to hang out with friends sometimes, but that is what a livestock kid has to go through. Being the number 1 show man in the state of Michigan is hard work and here’s why.
Tyler's interview & Tyler's photo--For my Podcast I my sister, Allie. She has a medical condition called PKU, so I interviewed her about how that has affected her life and transition to college.
Justin--In this podcast, I interviewed my dad about his work life. He is a hard worker an fun to talk with. I wanted to see what his job was and how he worked.